Lockdown at South, Johnson & Rossman

At 5 p.m., Thursday, Sept. 13, Johnson Junior High, South High and Rossman Elementary schools went into a lockdown due to a report that a person was in the vicinity with a weapon.
The Cheyenne Police Department apprehended the individual and the lockdown was lifted at 5:22 p.m.
Students, staff and fans who were at South and Johnson to attend activities remained safe.
“We appreciate the quick communication from our community in reporting this activity. It allowed the school district and law enforcement to respond quickly and timely to the incident to keep everyone safe. We appreciate the public’s response to the lockdown at the schools during activities.” per the LCSD#1 Statement. “Please remember, if you see something, say something and report it to a school official or law enforcement. The Safe2Tell Wyoming hotline, 1-844-WYO-SAFE, is also available to report incidents that do not involve imminent danger.”