Low Voter Turnout Addressed by State Office Candidates
Holland & Hart and AARP Wyoming sponsored this Pancakes & Politics event hosted by the Greater Cheyenne Chamber of Commerce for the State Office Candidates.
The Auditor race is comprised of Jeff Dockter (D) and Kristi Racines (R). Jeff Buchanan (R) and Jim Byrd (D) are the candidates Secretary of State. Also present was Curt Meier (R), running for State Treasurer.
Moderated by Gay Woodhouse of Woodhouse Roden Nethercott, LLC, the event covered various topics related to Wyoming’s economic climate and business issues specifically. The stage was set by asking all candidates what their number one priority for Wyoming is and what would they do to promote it.
“Keeping Wyoming business friendly.” Shared Ed Buchanan.
“Our budget process for the State of Wyoming needs improved.” Expressed Jim Byrd.
Addressed during the session was the importance of fostering an environment where home grown business can grow and thrive, beyond that of recruiting businesses to the State. Additionally, the integration of technology is important to improve State efficiencies and is a prime focus for various candidates.
When asked how they would improve the Wyoming Auditor office Jeff Dockter reiterated his importance of transparency. Currently the State Auditor is being sued because of the lack of transparency, according to Dockter, and he plans to change this.
Voter turnout is an issue for the State of Wyoming. Buchanan said the age group missing at the polls are 18-24 and the program Youth Voter will help to address this. He also expressed that educated voters is more of a priority of his. A fact shared by Jim Byrd said that out of our elegible voters only 250k-275k did not vote in the last primary election. He believes a grassroots method to learn why they are not voting and integrate methods to address those issues into the programs of the Secretary of State office.
Watch the video and remember to GO VOTE.