Man Assaults Father & Law Enforcement

The Cheyenne Police Department arrested Matthew Dausman, 32, of Cheyenne, on January 29 after he assaulted several people including a CPD Sergeant. CPD Officers were dispatched to a residence in the 4500 block of Charles St. at about 11:00 a.m. where officers determined Dausman had unlawfully entered the residence and threatened his father, Ronald Dausman, with a knife.
Matthew fled before officers arrived, but was located a short distance away, at Springer Ct. and Cleveland Ave. by a Cheyenne Police Department Sergeant. The sergeant contacted Dausman and Dausman charged at the sergeant, causing him to lose his balance and fall. Dausman fought with the sergeant, unsuccessfully attempting to disarm him by pulling on his holstered pistol and causing cuts and bruises to the sergeant in the process. The sergeant was able to maintain control of his pistol and detain Dausman until additional officers arrived. Dausman was subsequently arrested on suspicion of aggravated burglary, aggravated assault for the events at the house and attempting to disarm a peace officer and aggravated assault on a police officer.
Officer Kevin Malatesta, Public Information Officer, 307-633-6653,