Recent arrests around Laramie County

(Cheyenne, Wyo.) – Here is a recap of law enforcement arrests around the county from March 29 – April 2. All persons arrested or cited are presumed innocent until convicted in a court of law. Charges are subject to change following official filing from the Laramie County District Attorney’s Office.
Wyat Adsit, 40, Cheyenne, DUI, Open Container and Tampering With or Deceiving Ignition Interlock Device.
David Anderson, 26, Rice Lake, Wis., DUI – Controlled Substance and Open Container.
Kevin Conyers, 38, Wellington, Colo., Failure to Comply.
Craig Dibben, 19, Burns, Failure to Comply.
Damian Ferns, 26, Cheyenne, Failure to Comply.
Tanner Kupec, 25, Cheyenne, Court Ordered Hold.
Brian Manley, 45, Cheyenne, Refusing to Obey and Public Intoxication.
Tom Marks, 40, Cheyenne, Failure to Appear.
Andrea Martinez, 34, Cheyenne, Probation Violation, Possession of Powdery Substance and Larceny – Shoplifting.
Shani Martinez, 26, Cheyenne, DUI.
Ryan Rodekohr, 28, Cheyenne, DUI and Failure to Maintain Lane.
Chad Sanders, 21, Cheyenne, felony Aggravated Assault.
Benjamin Straw, 28, Cheyenne, Failure to Comply.
Cody Todd, 21, Cheyenne, DUI, Impeding and Suspended Driver’s License.
Joseph Bowie, 22, DUI and Open Intoxicant.
Michael Catt, 33, Cheyenne, felony Sale/Deliver Methamphetamine.
Samuel Jackson, 48, Cheyenne, Failure to Appear.
Christopher Keho, 42, Cheyenne, felony Forgery.
William Kimbrough, 52, Cheyenne, felony Warrant, Possession of Methamphetamine-Type Drug and Possession of Marijuana-Type Drug.
William Kimbrough, 52, transient, Failure to Appear.
Casey Koritnik, 31, Fort Collins, Possession/Use of Amphetamine-Type Drug.
Lonnie Lieurance, 25, Cheyenne, Public Intoxication.
Michael Livingstone, 26, Cheyenne, Public Intoxication, Unlawful Entry Onto Property and Failure to Appear Warrant.
Brandon Martinez, 23, Cheyenne, Domestic Battery and Domestic Violence.
Marc Plante, 45, Cheyenne, Careless Driving, DUI – Controlled Substance, Sale/Delivery of Methamphetamine, and Proof of Liability Insurance.
Jason Stratton, 33, Driving Under Suspension and felony Alter/Forge Title or Registration.
Nicklaus Adams, 19, Rapid City, S.D., Interference with Peace Officer and Possession of Marijuana-Type Drug.
Frankie Apodaca, 62, Cheyenne, DUI, Open Container, and Driving Under Suspension.
Taylor Bassett, 28, Cheyenne, Violation of Temporary Protection Order.
Benjamin Begay, 52, transient, Public Intoxication, Refusing to Obey and Unlawful Entry Onto Property.
Diane Bustos, 49, Cheyenne, Fraud – Credit Card.
Autry Bowman, 28, Cheyenne, felony Sale/Delivery of Methamphetamine, Possession of Cocaine/Heroin-Type Drug, and felony District Court Warrant.
Derek Clark, 29, Cheyenne, Probation/ISP Violation.
Tonya Coates, 41, Boulder, Colo., DUI and Open Container.
Vincent Davis, 26, Cheyenne, felony Burglary – Simple and Possession of Cocaine/Heroin-Type Drug.
Kathleen Duvall, 48, Cheyenne, False Report to Police Officer and Resisting Arrest.
Jennifer Enright, 35, Cheyenne, Bond Revocation.
Danny Ewing, 64, Cheyenne, Driving Under Suspension.
Michelle Fite, 43, Cheyenne, Failure to Comply.
Jessica Frew, 34, Cheyenne, two Failures to Appear and Probation Violation.
David Fugate, 34, transient, Unlawful Entry Into House and two Failures to Appear.
Daniel Garcia, 26, Cheyenne, Possession of Cocaine/Heroin-Type Drug and two Failures to Comply.
Trustyna Garcia, 24, Cheyenne, Public Intoxication and Open Container.
Nicholas Halcott, 18, Cheyenne, Pedestrian Darting, Public Intoxication, and Resist Arrest.
Heather Hetrick, 30, Cheyenne, Shoplifting.
Joshua Kelch, 25, Cheyenne, felony NCIC Hold and Possession of Methamphetamine-Type Drug.
Tony Kelly, 23, Cheyenne, Failure to Appear.
Susan Kieffer, 54, Cheyenne, Refusing to Obey, Public Intoxication and Open Container.
Felipe Lovato, 31, Cheyenne, Interference with Peace Officer, two Probation Violations, and Failure to Appear.
Joshua Malmberg, 24, Cheyenne, DUI.
Dakota Mayo, 19, Cheyenne, Failure to Pay and Warrant.
William McHenry, 28, Cheyenne, Public Intoxication, Open Intoxicant and Possession of Marijuana.
Ronald McNeill, 60, Cheyenne, Red Light, Driving Without Interlock Device and Suspended Drivers License.
James Milatzo, 38, Cheyenne, felony Failure to Register as Sex Offender.
Matthew Miller Jr., 24, Cheyenne, felony NCIC Hold.
Christina Odell, 39, Cheyenne, DUI.
Jessi Olson, 20, Cheyenne, Unlawful Entry Into House.
Codey Parsons, 22, Cheyenne, felony Failure to Comply.
Kenneth Perry, 24, Cheyenne, Possession of Methamphetamine-Type Drug.
Kenneth Potter Sr., 49, Cheyenne, Public Intoxication.
Maxine Salgado, 50, Theft.
Adrian Samora, 33, Cheyenne, Failure to Comply.
Corey Shamley, 24, Cheyenne, Probation Violation.
Andrew Smith, 28, Cheyenne, Public Intoxication.
Ashley Spencer, 21, Cheyenne, Unlawful Entry Into House.
Xavier Taylor, 24, Cheyenne, felony Possession of a Controlled Substance, Under the Influence of a Controlled Substance, Civil Violation, and Failure to Comply.
Carrie Wilson, 27, Cheyenne, Public Intoxication and Open Intoxicant.
Michael Yates, 46, Cheyenne, One Way, Stop Sign, Fleeing/Eluding, and Reckless Driving.