Recent Arrests in Laramie County

(Cheyenne, WY)- Here is a recap of recent law enforcement arrests around the county for July 10th – July 12th
All persons arrested or cited are presumed innocent until convicted in a court of law. Charges are subject to change following official filing from the Laramie County District Attorney’s Office.
Larry Asbery 28, Aurora, CO, Failure to appear
Raymon Cruz 23, Cheyenne, Domestic battery, destruction of property <$1000
Dana Davis 40, Cheyenne, Possession of methamphetamine, under the influence of controlled substance
Vladimir Datsko 54, Churchville, PA, Public intoxication, falsely obtaining goods or service
Destin Hill 20, Cheyenne, Municipal warrant, cellphone, no proof of insurance, expired registration
Ross Laird 62, Flagstaff, AZ, Public intoxication, open container
Tyler Landers 22, Transient, District court warrant – failure to comply
Antwan McCray 28, Cheyenne, Stolen property – felony, interference with peace officer, display of plates, drivers license
Jessie Moore 28, Transient, Assault battery
Carmine Pierro 54, Transient, Fighting/riotous conduct
Kent Reim 54, Cheyenne, Failure to appear
John Spradlin 53, Cheyenne, Failure to appear
Juan Vargas Jr. 55, Cheyenne, Domestic battery
Simon Reyes 44, Transient, Public intoxication, open container
Sean Archer 27, Cheyenne, Assault simple on police officer
Tawny Bridges 36, Cheyenne, Motor vehicle theft – felony >$1000
Stacy George 34, Cheyenne, P/P violator arrest w/o warrant
Bridgette Gurule 31, Cheyenne, Possession of methamphetamine, interference with peace officer
Benjamin Ketcham 29, Transient, Fleeing/eluding, duty to stop, reckless driving, suspended drivers license, no liability insurance, failure to appear
Darren Medley 31, Transient, Violent or tumultuous acts, possession/use of amphetamine-type drug
Ricky McCrary 48, Aurora, CO, Failure to appear
Nicole Phillipp 30, Cheyenne, Failure to pay
Robert Rodriguez 51, Transient, Failure to appear
Veronica Olivares 27, Cheyenne, Assault agg on a peace officer
Vistine Snider 52, Cheyenne, DUI, seat belt
Bruce Parish 62, Transient, Failure to appear
Kyle Slater 24, Transient, Assault agg on pregnant woman, domestic battery, destruction property <$1000
Christopher Worgull-Cussimanio 25, Cheyenne, Failure to appear warrant
Jennifer Enright 37, Cheyenne, Probation/ISP violation and/or sanction
Kenneth Potter 50, Transient, Public intoxication
Elijah Espinoza 19, Cheyenne, Failure to appear
Rodrigo Garcia Jr. 38, Cheyenne, DUI, expired or improper registration
Sara Garcia 31, Cheyenne, Failure to appear, possession of powdery substance
Tony Gilman 42, Cheyenne, Probation violation
Andrew Hogan 31, Cheyenne, Speed limits 14 mph over, DUI
Kenneth Martinez 50, Transient, Public intoxication, resist arrest, disobey rules, open intoxicant
Robert Robinson 50, Transient, Failure to appear
Weston Sandberg 25, Nelson, WI, Public intoxication, refusing to obey, unlawful entry onto property
Timothy Scherden 25, Cheyenne, P/P violator arrest w/o warrant
Michael Smith 30, Transient, NCIC hit/hold person, theft of services
Anthony Teppert 32, Cheyenne, Failure to comply
Deran Vasquez 34, Cheyenne, Probation & parole violation
Michael Woodward 30, Cheyenne, Probation violation, failure to appear