Supporting Our Military Members

This Article is a Portion of the “Legislative Session in Review with your Local Chamber.”
The Legislature also embraced initiatives that Steenbergen said would help the military and service members.
One new law creates a program that helps school children of relocating military families acclimate to Wyoming. Under the program, schools that meet established standards in supporting those military families can be recognized as Purple Star Schools.
“It’s really just about dealing with the unique challenges that military kids have, and we feel like it’s a really good bill,’’ Steenbergen said.
Another bill of note allows military parents more leeway in deciding which specific schools their children attend. For instance, parents of a military child who is bullied at school can now transfer their child to another school in hopes of finding a better environment.
“It just allows those kids to choose another school if they’re going through something that’s problematic,’’ Steenbergen said. “Rather than having to request to leave the community, you can switch schools now.’’
Other new initiatives would help the Wyoming National Guard boost recruitment and retention by improving college tuition benefits for guard members, offering financial incentives for those who sign up new guard members and providing malpractice coverage for health care providers in the guard.
Related Article: The First Two Purple Star Schools in Wyoming