The Hunt Is on at Holliday Park, City Hosts Easter Festivities

The City of Cheyenne’s Community Recreation and Events Division will host its annual Easter Egg Hunt at Holliday Park Saturday, April 8, 2023, behind the Art House on East 19th Street.
Please join us for early morning fun and gather as many eggs and candy bars as you can! This (egg)-citing hunt for Easter eggs will be for children ages 2-8 years old and will begin at 10 a.m. sharp!
Children will be separated into groups based on their ages, and all participants from each age group will have a chance to win a special Easter basket if they find the golden egg that holds a special note inside.
As a reminder, please bring a basket or bag to collect the eggs.
Parents with children ages 3 and under may help their child(ren) during the hunt. However, we ask that children 4 and older find eggs independently.
As an additional treat for your little ones, the Easter Bunny will be on-site to take pictures, shake hands, and make friends with them.
Updates on this event will be posted on CheyenneRec’s Facebook and Instagram pages. We can’t wait to see you there!