United Way Kicks Off Annual Campaign

The Prescotts, shared why they “live united.”
United Way of Laramie County is an organization which helps support local not-for-profit organizations through their fundraising and programs. Their community service efforts support a strong donor base for local organizations has impacted many program partners. During the luncheon several guest program partners shared their stories and how they influence the County each day. Further, demonstrating how United Way’s awarded funds impacts the community. Additionally, Blue Federal Credit Union hosts a golf tournament annually benefiting United Way of Laramie County and this year’s proceeds amounted to $20k and the check was presented at the luncheon.
Steve and Stephanie Prescott are the owners of RE/MAX Capitol Properties. They are a business which prioritizes their community with supporting organizations. This year, with their three kids, they have dedicated their time and talents to being spokesmen of the United Way of Laramie County Campaign.
Stephanie Prescott shared how she has a hard time imagining the hardships which surface from poverty, like not being able to have a meal when she is hungry, or not being able to shower because there is no means to do so. That was the main reason her and her family committed to supporting United Way of Laramie County. Their philosophy is to support the community because it is important to them to lead by example and to “live united.”