Water and Sewer Rates to Increase on January 1, 2023

Cheyenne businesses and residents will see a 5% rate increase on their water and sewer bill beginning January 1, 2023. The City’s governing body approved these rate increases during the annual budget session earlier this month.
Revenues from water and sewer rates are invested directly back into the construction, maintenance, and operation of Cheyenne’s water and sewer system. Funding for the water and sewer system comes from water and sewer sales and fees, grants, water and sewer enterprise fund cash, and loans. All day-to-day operating costs and unplanned work, such as water main leaks, are paid solely by rates and fees.
Following an in-depth water and sewer utility rate study, which began in 2019, the BOPU has determined moving to a “Cost of Service” rate structure will ensure each customer class pays its equitable share of the system costs. The study also recommended a 5% rate increase for all system users. This is necessary for the cost of continued services Cheyenne businesses and residents expect.
The BOPU recognizes this rate increase notice comes at a time when historic inflation is affecting all Cheyenne residents and we encourage customers to take advantage of the BOPU’s budget billing option, Outreach for Upgrades and Repairs (OUR) Water program, and other conservation opportunities made available throughout the year. For more information, please call 307-637-6460, or visit the BOPU website.