Weppners Inducted Into Chamber Circle of Champions

This year’s inductees include Ed & Mary Weppner, longstanding residents and supporters of the greater Cheyenne area.
Emphasized during the Circle of Champions luncheon was the Weppner’s incredible level of civic trusteeship. Both, Ed & Mary Weppner, were born in Cheyenne and have strong roots in this community. They have been involved in Frontier Days for many years. Ed at age 16 began to help on the parade committee. Then his interest changed to racing and he joined the Contract Acts. In 1984 he was named Contract Acts Chairman. The Chuckwagon races were still a part of the night show and for several years after his time as Chairman Contract Acts Chairman he served arena director for the chucks. He has been a member of the “Heels” for many years His trips to Canada to make arrangements for the Chuckwagons to come down for the show and trips to Nashville contracting for Country Western entertainment made for a busy three years.
“This community has been great to us and it is our home.” shared Ed Weppners when asked why they were so involved in the community.
Mary’s activities include being Miss Frontier in 1961, a member of the founding board of the Old West Museum, serving on the committee that started the “Cheyenne Frontier Days Western Art Show and Sale” for thirty years and is a CFD W-Heel. Ed’s community activities include membership in the Chamber of Commerce, served on Chamber Board, the Military Affairs Committee, Cheyenne Submarine Committee, the City County Planning board, the Laramie County Weed & Pest Board, Kiwanis Club and a member of Fire District 2, serving as president of the board for several terms.
“You both are great examples of leaders in our community. We appreciate all that you do and we valued both of your time when sharing with us your stories.” expressed the moderator Dr. Joe Shaffer, Laramie County Community College.
Over the years Ed was very active in the Ag community serving in the Laramie County Stock Growers Association, the Wyoming Stock Growers Association and the National Cattleman’s Association and the Wyoming Livestock Board. He served on several committees in the Wyoming Stock Growers Association and served as president as well. Mary’s community activities include Women’s Civic League, DePaul Hospital Guild, Laramie County Cow-Belles, Wyoming Cattle Women, Chapter C PEO, and Cowgirls of the West. Ed & Mary Weppner were both born in Cheyenne. Ed attended Clark school and St. Mary’s while Mary attended Fincher. Both graduated from high school in 1959. Ed graduated from St. Mary’s and Mary from Cheyenne High School, now known as Central.
Ed & Mary Weppner join fellow inductees into this elite group of community legacies and attendees of the luncheon will forever cherish their words of wisdom.