We’re Not Gonna Take it!
Are the elections over yet? Most folks wish they were
I don’t know about you, but if I knew where we were headed with election mailers I would have gotten a bigger post office box. Mailers with every form of hatred, misleading information, and flat bologna have the “aginers” smiling with glee as they sort through their pile of political nonsense.
It seems that our political system has completely ignored what Americans are clearly indicating in every poll and focus group. They are indicating that in those inspirational words from the 80s hair band Twisted Sister “We’re not gonna take it anymore.”
More specifically, here is what we know. According to a recent Forbes poll, an amazing 88% of Americans think the nation is on the wrong track. Listed among their major concerns: Inflation was the biggest worry at about a third, followed by gas prices at 15%, the economy 9%, bills 6%, abortion 5%, guns 3%, and Covid 1%. When I read the article I thought I would compare the survey to what election junk mail looked like. I was surprised, okay not surprised but fascinated, that the issues of primary concern were not the issues addressed by the mailers or even other ads that I looked up. It seems that running for something is not nearly as popular as running against something. It’s a lot easier to pick at the other guy than it is to espouse solutions.
Some of you are thinking this is all negative, but, from where I sit, it is hopeful. Why hopeful, you ask? Because we the people have moved on from the negative ilk and are ready for a new day in America.
I had to run to the Courthouse today, and the line to vote was almost to the door. Certainly, some of these voters will be disappointed, and they will have backed the bob tail nag instead of the bay. (For the younger generation, you just missed a great reference to Old Susanna.)
We are concerned about our families, our economy, and our community. When Americans start focusing on big issues, good things happen in this nation. The politicians are always the last to jump on to this band wagon, but they are eventually forced because the people that vote change the narrative.
Have faith folks! We live in an amazing and resilient nation. The small business backbone that holds us up is strong and factually is increasing in the last few years. I believe America, Wyoming, Laramie County, and Cheyenne have much to look forward to in the future.
I guess my point is that I am blessed that as a Chamber President I see the remarkable people that make up this country and their efforts to build community. The future is bright, folks! If you don’t think so, gather up all the political mailers you received this week, put them in a pile, and set them ablaze. Just like that light permeates the darkness, so does the courage, strength, and goodness of your fellow citizens. And by the way, see you at the ballot box next Tuesday!