Winners Announced in Art Contest

The winners were announced in the 4th Annual Zonta of Cheyenne Art Contest.
Tonight, January 10, 2018, the Zonta Club of Cheyenne held a reception to feature local artists in the 4th annual art contest to raise awareness about human trafficking in the Laramie County area.
The reception was held at the Flydragon Design Art Studio. Entries were submitted and judged in three categories: A youth category, an adult category and a combined People’s Choice. Tonight awards were announced for the Youth and Adult categories. The People’s Choice award will be announced next week. If you missed your chance to stop by tonight, you can stop by the Studio tomorrow night during the Cheyenne Artwalk to vote for your choice.

Youth category the winner was Olivia Gustafson.

Adult category the winner was Andrew Dyl.
Congratulations to these two artists, as well as all the artists who submitted artwork.
The full exhibit of all artwork will continue to be on display at the Flydragon Design Art Studio until January 26th. These are a few samples of the artwork that was part of this contest.
The Zonta Club of Cheyenne is a member of Zonta International, a worldwide organization of executives in business and the professions working together to advance the status of women through service and advocacy. Zonta International was founded November 8, 1919 in Buffalo, New York. The name Zonta is derived from the Lakhota (Teton Dakota) word of the Native American Sioux people meaning “honest and trustworthy”.