Wyoming’s Workforce Gap Poses an Ongoing Challenge for Business

Workers are scarce in Wyoming, mirroring a persistent nationwide labor shortage. Currently, for every 100 open positions, there are only 46 available workers in the state—an imbalance that poses serious challenges for Wyoming businesses.
By the Numbers:
Job Openings: 19,000
Unemployed Workers: 8,739
Labor Force Participation Rate: 64.5%
Unemployment Rate: 2.9%
Quit Rate: 3.1%
Hiring Rate: 4.5%
Various industries have shared that the shortage of available workers significantly impacts their operations and growth. A robust, skilled, and prepared workforce is crucial for Wyoming’s economic prosperity. The Cheyenne Chamber, partnered with the Wyoming Chamber, are working to actively address this issue through educational reform, workforce development initiatives, and legislative action. We are committed to finding solutions to alleviate the strain on businesses and to help secure a strong future for Cheyenne and the rest of Wyoming.