Your Vote is Your Voice!

This weekend you may have seen someone walking around your small town. Laramie County Commissioner, Linda Heath, spent some time this weekend promoting and educating door to door in Pine Bluffs on Saturday, talking to residents about the importance of getting out to Vote for the 6th Penny Tax.
Here is what she said about her visit, “Visiting with the residents of Laramie County’s rural communities is always special for me. Today I spent the day going door to door in Pine Bluffs talking about the upcoming 6th Penny Ballot. They understand why this ballot is so important not only to Pine Bluffs, but to the County as a whole. They are looking forward to using their votes as their voices! It was also great to see the spirit of the residents as they continue to bring their community back from last July’s hail storm. I truly love their spirit and resilience! Thank you Pine Bluffs for a great day!”
For more information about the 6th Penny Tax visit the website or Facebook page. Early voting began March 23rd.