6th Penny and City Election Recap

The votes are in! Here is the recap of the 6th Penny election that was held in Laramie County. While seven of the nine propositions passed, the two that didn’t were close. To see which projects are associated with each proposition, click here.
Propositions 1, 2, 4 and 8 narrowly passed, while Propositions 3, 5 and 9 passed by wide margins.
Proposition 1 – For: 50.3% Against: 49.6% PASS *RECOUNTED on WEDNESDAY
Proposition 2 – For: 51% Against: 49% PASS
Proposition 3 – For: 60% Against: 40% PASS
Proposition 4 – For: 51% Against: 49% PASS
Proposition 5 – For: 63% Against: 37% PASS
Proposition 6 – For: 48% Against: 52% FAIL
Proposition 7 – For: 49% Against: 51% FAIL
Proposition 8 – For: 51% Against: 49% PASS
Proposition 9 – For: 58% Against: 42% PASS
Official election results here.
In addition to the 6th Penny election there were several small towns in Laramie County that held elections for Mayor and City Council Representatives.
Burns re-elected their Mayor and Pine Bluffs elected a new Mayor and two new City Council Members.