Crowds “Stack Up” for Flapjack Feed

Community members gathered at the Outlaw Saloon (312 S Greeley Hwy.) for a free flapjacks on “Cheyenne Day,” Wednesday, July 22nd.
Socially distanced lines began forming at 7:00 a.m. this morning outside of the Outlaw Saloon. Guests proceeded in line for fluffy pancakes, sausage, and brisket hash catered by the Red Lion Hotel & Conference Center.
The Cheyenne Country Club Band gave a live performance, as they usually do on Cheyenne Day during the official Cheyenne Frontier Days Pancake Breakfast.
Visit Cheyenne reported working closely with Environmental Health to follow current social distancing protocols to minimize risk but maximize fun.
The Flapjack Feed is part of “Cheyenne Days Legendary Nights” coordinated by Visit Cheyenne, Greater Cheyenne Chamber of Commerce, Downtown Development Authority, and Cheyenne LEADS. The four economic development agencies have helped plan ten days of festivities in the heart of summertime for Cheyenne residents.
Shortly after the Flapjack Feed, guests were fueled up for the “Wings Over Warren Air Show” at FE Warren Air Force Base. More events are planed for Cheyenne Day including a downtown sidewalk sale, a street party on 15th Street, rodeo events, and live music.
- Domenic Bravo, Visit Cheyenne President/CEO
- Laura Levi, Visit Cheyenne
- Flapjack Feed Catered by the Red Lion Hotel
- Free Flapjacks