“Beauty & The Beast” to “Cabaret” Coming to Cheyenne
The Cheyenne Little Theatre Players announce their upcoming season lineup
The Cheyenne Little Theatre Players have announced their 2019-2020 season lineup, and it promises to be fantastic! They will start the season with Disney’s international sensation “Beauty & The Beast” at the Mary Godfrey Playhouse from September 20th through October 6th. Then the 1972 Neil Simon Broadway Play, “The Sunshine Boys” will be staged on November 8th though the 24th. To keep in step with the holidays, “A Christmas Carol” will be staged December 6th-22nd at the downtown Historic Atlas Theater. All of the Friday and Saturday evening shows of this play will have a dinner option.
Jumping into 2020, Tennessee Williams’ “The Glass Menagerie” will be next from February 7th through the 16th at the Atlas Theater. Then from March 13th through the 29th at the Mary Godfrey Playhouse enjoy “The Wind in the Willows.” This play is based on a 1908 novel by Kenneth Grahame and is a family productions. To finish off the season the Cheyenne Little Theatre Players will host the famed “Cabaret.” Known for its recognition as “Best Musical”, the show will really liven up an audience.
Season tickets are available now. Visit www.cheyennelittletheatre.org to learn more.