An Ode to the “Real” Cowboys! (or anyone else that produces our food and fiber)

It’s the middle of CFD. We have dusted off our hats, shined our boots, and put on our best “cowboy” duds to celebrate Cheyenne Wyoming’s rich and storied western history. As we go to rodeos, concerts and pancake breakfasts, let’s not forget the true heritage of CFD. Today, as we hear the roar of the crowds around the arena, let’s pause to remember those who are caring for livestock, building fence, bailing hay, harvesting wheat, or one of other of a thousand tasks that has to be done on an agriculture operation this time of year.
Most of us didn’t choose agriculture, it chose us. There is no doubt that it is a special life that most of America doesn’t understand or think about much. America goes to the store and takes for granted the sacrifice paid by men and women across this country that work to feed us.
I am blessed to have grown up in a ranching family that is multi-generational, and I try not to take for granted the blessing I was given. For those of you questioning your “cowboy cred” this week, here is a guide.
If you equate Shetland ponies with Satan himself and you have ridden one of these little heathens more than a 1,0000 miles, you might be a cowboy.
If you could ride a horse before you could count to 10, you might be a cowboy.
If you had to spend a Sunday afternoon learning to tie your shoes so you could get into kindergarten, you might be a cowboy.
If you ever were late to school because you were helping pull a calf, you might be a cowboy.
If you used your friends for heeling practice, you might be cowboy.
If you have ever driven a tractor to school because you didn’t have a license to drive a car, you might be a cowboy.
If you have ever seen a cow from the bottom side, you might be a cowboy. (usually as she was running over you)
If an electric fence has ever given you a vision of Jesus, you might be a cowboy.
If you have ever been thrown off a horse so hard that you were able to have a conversation with yourself before you hit the ground, you might be a cowboy.
If you talk to cows more than people and believe they are better listeners, you might be a cowboy.
Enjoy CFD everyone, but pause for just a moment to be thankful for the men and women who produce our food and fiber. No one says it better than Paul Harvey!