Boyd O. Wiggam Announces Candidacy for Laramie County Commissioner

Republican Cheyenne attorney Boyd O. Wiggam filed the necessary paperwork to run for Laramie County Commissioner.
“I grew up in this county. I was raised on a farm north of Hillsdale,” said Wiggam. “I want to use my background in farming, business, planning and law to serve my home community of Laramie County.”
Wiggam lives in Cheyenne with his wife and children and is a third-generation graduate of Burns High School. He previously worked at the grain elevator in Burns, as a crop insurance agent, and as a Staff Attorney at the Wyoming Liberty Group. At the Wyoming Liberty Group, he focused on property rights, local government, and protecting the constitutional rights of individuals. Wiggam now runs his own small business working as an attorney and enjoys working on a small hobby farm in the Burns/Hillsdale area on weekends.
“I am running because I want to do my part for those who call this Laramie home and appreciate what life here has to offer,” said Wiggam. “I believe the best way to do that is to ensure the County focuses on the job it was created to do. Laramie County face both challenges and opportunities of a growing community that is also one of the leading agricultural counties in the state and region. The County should create the environment where people can thrive. We can’t waste opportunities for residents by imposing excessive taxes or unnecessary regulations on people who are trying to make a living and create jobs in Laramie.”
Wiggam is a graduate of Burns High School, the University of Wyoming College of Agriculture, and the School of Law at the College of William & Mary.