Cheyenne Seeks Landowners Interested in Environmental Site Assessment

The City of Cheyenne is seeking landowners within the West Edge Area who are interested in having a qualified environmental professional complete Phase I and/or Phase II Environmental Site Assessments on their properties. These assessments could help facilitate sale, expansion, or redevelopment and will be completed at no charge to the landowner.
In October 2022, the City of Cheyenne received a $500,000 Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Brownfields Assessment Grant to assess sites with known or perceived contamination. Suspected contamination may include asbestos, lead-based paint, petroleum, or other hazardous substances. Once the site assessment is completed, the City of Cheyenne can assist the landowner with cleanup planning, reuse planning, and remediation to ensure abandoned or underutilized properties are redeveloped. Cleanup and redevelopment of contaminated properties expand the local tax base, improve neighborhoods, create jobs, and make communities more vibrant and sustainable.
The City of Cheyenne seeks to work with property owners in the West Edge Area to help facilitate the redevelopment of an older underutilized industrial area to improve the quality of life. To date, over $43 million in development projects have been completed as a spin-off of the EPA grant work.
Since 2011, the City of Cheyenne has successfully managed and leveraged several EPA Brownfield Grants, including an Assessment Grant and an Area-Wide Planning Grant to help assess contamination on properties poised for future investment and development.
The City of Cheyenne also manages a $1 million EPA Brownfields Revolving Loan Fund grant designed to help site owners, businesses, developers, local governments, and non-profits remediate site contamination that hinders future development.
For more information about the City of Cheyenne’s Brownfields program, please contact Lonnie Olson at (307) 637-6307 or via e-mail at