Cheyenne’s Gymnastics Team Dominates the Competition at the WY State Championship

The Cheyenne Gymnastics competitive team dominated the 2023 Wyoming State Championship held in Sheridan, WY, from March 17-19, 2023, by earning fifty-one individual 1st place State Titles. They competed against 14 other teams from around the state, totaling more than 400 athletes. Cheyenne Gymnastics is proud of all its gymnasts and their hard work, determination, and drive to do their best!
The Cheyenne Gymnastics Xcel Bronze Level Team took home 1st place, becoming the Xcel Bronze State Champions of Wyoming for the 3rd year in a row! In the Child A division, Meadow Walduck earned 1st place on Beam and Floor. For her effort, Walduck also earned 1st place All-Around. In the Child B division, Bella Hognason and Kinley Mikowski tied for 1st place on Beam. Mikowski also earned 1st place on Vault, Bars, and Floor. For her effort, Mikowski received 1st place All-Around. In the Child C division, Avery Womack won 1st place on Vault, and Jaycie Callison claimed 1st place on Bars. Finley Cralley placed 1st on Beam and Floor. For her effort, Cralley earned 1st place All-Around. In the Junior A division, Brielle Scholl claimed 1st place on Bars, Beam, and Floor. For her effort, Scholl took 1st place All-Around. In the Junior B division, Payton Hoard placed 1st on Bars and Floor. In the Junior C division, Alli Anderson claimed 1st place on Bars, and Nicole Cozad earned 1st on Beam. Alaina Rodgers took 1st on Floor. Through their combined efforts, the Bronze Level Team also took home fifteen 2nd place medals and eleven 3rd place medals.
The Cheyenne Gymnastics Xcel Silver Level Team took home 1st place, becoming the Xcel Silver State Champions of Wyoming for the 3rd year in a row! In the Junior A division, D’Saitrya Woody earned 1st place on Bars while Raechel Newsom placed 1st on Floor. In the Junior B division, Kimber Allen earned 1st place on Vault, Bars, and Floor. For her effort, Allen also received 1st place All-Around. In the Junior C division, Kaylee Reffler claimed 1st place on Vault. Zoey Salas earned 1st place on Bars and tied for 1st place with Charlie Soules on Floor. For her effort, Salas also received 1st place All-Around. In the Senior A division, Sophia Malatesta claimed 1st place on Bars and Floor. For her effort, Malatesta also placed 1st in the All-Around. In the Senior B division, Jadyn Martin earned 1st place on Bars. For her effort, Martin took 1st place All-Around. Through their combined efforts, the Silver Level Team also took home fourteen 2nd place medals and ten 3rd place medals.
The Cheyenne Gymnastics Xcel Gold Level Team took home 1st place, becoming the Xcel Gold State Champions of Wyoming! In the Junior A division, Ayla Crystal earned 1st place on Bars, Beam, and Floor. For her effort, Crystal placed 1st in the All-Around. In the Senior A division, Marcie Novak earned 1st place on Beam. Through their combined efforts, the Gold Level Team also took six 2nd place medals and one 3rd place medal.
The Cheyenne Gymnastics Xcel Diamond Level Team took home 1st place, becoming the Xcel Diamond State Champions of Wyoming for the 2nd year in a row! In the Junior division, Ella Reed claimed 1st place on Floor. For her effort, Reed also earned 1st place All-Around. In the Senior Division, Abbie Mickelson took 1st place on Beam. Hannah Pollock earned 1st place on Floor. Ciarra Vigil took 1st place on Vault and Bars, and for her efforts also received 1st place All-Around. Through their combined efforts, the Diamond Level Team also took home eight 2nd place medals and five 3rd place medals.
Through her hard work and determination, Kinley Mikowski earned the highest All-Around score of the entire Wyoming State Championship, regardless of level and division, with a score of 38.6. Brielle Scholl claimed the 2nd highest All-Around of the weekend with a score of 38.575, and Finley Cralley earned the 3rd highest All-Around with a score of 38.425. Way to go, girls!
Based on the results of the State Championship, 12 gymnasts will move on to compete against the top gymnasts from Arkansas, Colorado, Kansas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas, and Wyoming at the Region 3 Championships. Ayla Crystal, Aviah Edwards, Paige Hensley, Marcie Novak, and Kaitlyn Ochsner will represent Cheyenne Gymnastics at the Xcel Gold Regional Championship in Spring, TX, from April 28-30. Isabelle Deal and Bridget Dillow, both Xcel Platinum gymnasts, Grace Dillow, Hannah Pollock, Ella Reed, Ciarra Vigil, and Abbie Mickelson, Xcel Diamond gymnasts, will represent Cheyenne Gymnastics at the Xcel Platinum and Diamond Regional Championship in Aurora, CO on May 5-7. Good luck, ladies!
A big thank you to the Program Coordinator, Shannon Mitchell, the program coaches, and the Cheyenne Gymnastics Parent Booster Club for their commitment and support of the program!