Civic Center Commons Construction Began

West Parking Lot Closed Indefinitely For Civic Center Commons Construction
The west parking lot – located across the street from the Municipal Building (2101 O’Neil Ave.) front entrance — will close indefinitely beginning Monday, May 21 in preparation for construction on the Civic Center Commons project. Street parking surrounding the west lot will also be unavailable.
The announced change comes after the City of Cheyenne governing body accepted a construction bid from Reiman Corp. by a 9-1 vote during a Special City Council Meeting on Wednesday night. The lot will be transformed into a park and flood control basin for the downtown Cheyenne area.
Parking remains available in the surrounding area at the George Cox Parking Facility and at an open lot north of the Municipal Building. As a reminder, please be mindful of posted signage in the area, and throughout the city, as it relates to parking information.