CPD Accomplishes 2019 Goals
Posted On January 30, 2020
Of the several goals for 2019, reducing property crime and implementing department mental health training were among them.
Goal: Reduce property crime by 10% in 2019
There was a decrease in property crimes by a total of 22% for the year 2019. The department had 2,653 property crimes in 2018 and 2,069 property crimes in 2019, despite an increasing population.
- Weekly CompStat meetings were held to evaluate crime trends.
- Officers utilized thorough evidence processing; for example, DNA evidence left at scenes led to several arrests.
- The “Lock It Or Lose It” Campaign helped to remind citizens and visitors to lock their doors and secure their valuables.
- The Victim Impact Player list focused on repeat offenders with prosecution and cooperation from the District Attorney’s Office.
Below is a breakdown of reduced crime in 2019:
- Larceny (2,136 in 2018 vs 1,672 in 2019) 21% Decrease
- Burglary (291 in 2018 vs 215 in 2019) 26% Decrease
- Motor Vehicle Theft (226 in 2018 vs 182 in 2019) 19% Decrease
Goal: Complete the International Association of Chiefs of Police “One Mind” Campaign
CPD is the only agency in Wyoming to complete this National campaign.
- CPD established a partnership with CRMC and Peak Wellness to have counselors ride with officers to respond to mental health calls. This led into a collaborative $600,000 grant with CRMC.
- A model policy was implemented to deal with people in crisis. CPD trained 100% of their officers in Mental Health First Aid.
- 45% of officers were trained in crisis intervention, with the requirement for the campaign being only 20%.
In 2020, CPD will continue to set goals that will always put public safety first and “Protect The Legend.”