F.E. Warren Invites Public to Spring Job Fair

The 90th Force Support Squadron Civilian Personnel Office will host a job fair open to the public on Wednesday, April 5, 2023, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the Trail’s End Event Center located on F.E. Warren. The job fair will showcase Appropriated Funds (APF) and Non-Appropriated Funds (NAF) positions for civilians that are currently available on the installation. Additionally, hiring officials will be on site to meet with candidates and accept resumes.
Interested individuals will access the base through Gate 1, off of Randall Avenue. All adults must have a photo I.D., and all vehicles are subject to random checks by the 90th Security Forces Squadron. As a reminder, F.E. Warren is a federal installation so the following items are prohibited:
- Weapons to include but not limited to: pocketknives, firearms, pepper spray, etc.
- Drones
- Toys resembling firearms
- Alcohol/ illegal drugs
- Animals or pets
For additional information, please visit warren.af.mil or the F.E. Warren Facebook Page @FEWarrenAirForceBase.