Galeotos resigns as the President of DDA/Main Street
Posted On March 8, 2018
0 Sam Galeotos, the President of DDA/Main Street resigned from the Board of Directors effective immediately, due to other priorities.
Galeotos became a board member in fall of 2016 and has been the president since July 2017. Since serving on the board, Mr. Galeotos has provided valuable insight and assistance to the organization and the development of downtown.
Mr. Galeotos commented, “The mission to revitalize and grow our capitol city is so important to the future success of our community and our state. I wish the staff of DDA and my fellow colleagues on the board all the best as they continue our shared commitment to downtown Cheyenne.”
For those who may be interested in being appointed to fill this board vacancy, the application can be found on A stipulation for this board position is that the applicant must be a property owner, business owner, or a resident of the downtown district. The DDA/Main Street district boundaries include Snyder through House Avenue and 15th through 22nd Street, as well as Central Avenue south of the downtown core.
DDA’s Executive Director, Vicki Dugger said, “We thank Sam for his service to, and support of, DDA and downtown as a whole and wish him success with his future endeavors.”
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