LCCC Welcomes High School Teachers to Weld Works

Cheyenne, WY – Laramie County Community College (LCCC) completed their fourth year of hosting the Weld Works training program this past week, providing local and regional high school welding instructors the opportunity to learn and enhance their welding skills.
The program hosted 21 teachers, providing a two-day workshop on the LCCC campus in the college’s welding lab. Many of the program participants had no formal welding training, and the workshop provided one-on-one instruction with LCCC’s welding faculty to grow their skills or learn the art of welding. At the end of the workshop, the participants were split into groups based on skill level and participated in a welding contest, with the winners receiving new welding helmets.
Sam Graham, LCCC welding instructor, stated, “This is a great opportunity for high school instructors to receive training on welding that they can take back to their high school students and incorporate into their classrooms. I enjoy seeing the progress of the participants and their excitement about learning new welding techniques.”
The annual workshop has doubled in size since it began, and this year’s participants attended from Wyoming, Colorado, Nebraska, and South Dakota. The program included meals and housing for participants in the LCCC residence halls.
Weld Works was sponsored by the LCCC Foundation’s Union Pacific Business & Industry Series. Lincoln Welding also provided safety materials to the participants for use in their classrooms.
Weld Works participants and their students are encouraged to return to LCCC in September to compete in the annual Steel Day Welding Contest hosted by LCCC and Puma Steel.
For more information about the LCCC Welding program, contact Jill Koslosky, dean for the school of business, agriculture & technical studies at or 307.778.1154. Applications are being accepted for the fall semester.