Pitchengine finalizes sale of news streams to local owners in Cheyenne, Casper, Sheridan and Gillette

Pitchengine Inc., parent company of County 10 and Buckrail, announced Thursday that the company has finalized the sale of four of its Community News Streams across Wyoming. The move comes as Pitchengine refocuses efforts on a slew of new software products to serve its userbase of 50,000 brands worldwide.
News streams now under new ownership include: Shortgo in Cheyenne – now under the ownership of the Greater Cheyenne Area Chamber of Commerce; County 17 and Dally – now owned by The MC Family of Companies, LLC (Mark Christensen); and Oil City in Casper – to advertising agency, Adbay. Pitchengine is still considering local ownership for existing news streams including Reboot in Cody/Powell and Spring City in Thermopolis.
“We changed the media landscape in Wyoming forever,” explained Pitchengine Founder and CEO, Jason Kintzler.
“Essentially, we created the most dominate news network in Wyoming from scratch and that’s something we’re really proud of. Now, by putting each stream in the hands of local owners, we hope they’ll continue to go deep and create a sustainable news model for decades to come.”
Pitchengine Communities grew to 7 news streams that garnered 7.5 million pageviews per month collectively. “Those kinds of numbers were unheard of in Wyoming, or in most rural states for that matter,” explained Kintzler.