Recent Arrests in Laramie County

(Cheyenne, WY)- Here is a recap of law enforcement arrests around the county from October 21st through October 24th
All persons arrested or cited are presumed innocent until convicted in a court of law. Charges are subject to change following official filing from the Laramie County District Attorney’s Office.
Mark Anderson 68, Cheyenne, DUI- has alcohol concentration of .08% or greater 1st in 10 years
Noah Brunner 18, Cheyenne, Robbery, Destruction of Property >$1000
Alexander Dugas 25, Transient, FTA
Ronald Effenbeck 26, Loveland, CO, Stolen property-Felony, NCIC Hit person
Anthony Estrada 25, Cheyenne, Strangulation of a household member, Possession of marijuana type- misdemeanor, Interference with a peace officer
James Estrada 27, Cheyenne, Driving under cancelled, suspended, or revoked license 2nd or more offense
Kevin Haley 36, Cheyenne, Shoplifting-Concealing, Unlawful entry unto property, FTA
Akean Harrington 24, Cheyenne, Domestic battery, Possession Marijuana type- misdemeanor, Assault agg threat with weapon
Otis Henley 61, Cheyenne, FTP, FTC
Jay Jackson 71, Transient, Probation Violation- misdemeanor, Expired or improper registration, Driving under suspension- subsequent violations, Proof of liability insurance
Vickie Kolander 57, Cheyenne, FTC
Eric Maestas 26, Cheyenne, Strangulation of household member, Domestic battery
Ryan Martindale 24, Cheyenne, Domestic battery
Andre McNeill 20, Cheyenne, Larceny-misdemeanor- shoplifting, Interference with peace officer, FTA, Interference with emergency call
Karen Nugent 37, Cheyenne, FTA
Leslie Osterman 36, Cheyenne, FTP
Troy Rowe 54, Cheyenne, Possession of marijuana, Compounding evidence, Follow to closely, DUS, No insurance 2nd offense
Christopher Worgull Cussimanio 24, Cheyenne, FTA
19th though 23rd
Lovina Alcon 29, Cheyenne, FTA
Bryce Bond 30, Cheyenne, Strangulation of a household member, Domestic battery
Antoine Butler 26, Cheyenne, FTP, FTA
Jon Chastain 54, Cheyenne, Probation Violation- misdemeanor
Maurice Castillo 35, Transient, FTA
Gerardo Canchola 61, Fort Collins, CO, Possess controlled sunstance 30 oz or less- powder or crystal, Drive vehicle within a single lane, Traffic control signals- red, Flee or attempt to elude police, Reckless driving, DUI alcohol and controlled substance combination
Molly Davis 31, Cheyenne, Sale/Delivery of methamphetamine
Abby Delf 28, Cheyenne, FTA, FTP
Ashley Farinha 26, Transient, FTA, improper registration
Stephen Gail 65, Cheyenne, Domestic battery
Dominick Green 26, Cheyenne, FTA, Interference with peace officer
Darell Hux 43, Transient, Escape detention- Felony conviction
Warlance Ironshell 37, Cheyenne, Violent- Tumultous to property, Public Intoxication
Christopher Jantii 32, Transient, Public intxication
Benjamin Martin 43, Unknown, DUI- Vehicle exceeded 75 MPH on interstate (6+ MPH over)