Registration Closing for Wyoming’s Joint Symposium on Children and Youth

Register before it’s too late!
The Office of the Wyoming Attorney General, Division of Victim Services and the Wyoming Supreme Court, Children’s Justice Project have partnered to host Wyoming’s Joint Symposium on Children and Youth. The Symposium will be held on June 26-28, 2018 at the Little America Hotel and Resort in Cheyenne, Wyoming. There is still time to register, but registration will close on June 20th. To register, go to:
The Symposium will provide over forty-five workshops for multiple disciplines. Workshops have been approved for continuing education hours, including Peace Officer Standards and Training hours, Professional Teaching Standards Board, Continuing Legal Education credits and Wyoming Statewide Training and Resource System hours.
Keynote speakers include Julie Brand, an author and expert, who will open the conference with her presentation, Resiliency 101: From Victim to Survivor. Nicole Braddock Bromley, author and survivor, will provide a keynote called Our Little Secret: Sexual Abuse Survivors’ Perspective. Karen Vadino, motivational speaker, humorist and trainer, will close the Symposium with a presentation called All Stressed Up and Nowhere to Go.
Register before June 20th!