Ribbon Cutting and Celebration

Pine Bluffs Elementary School holds ribbon cutting at new building.
Classes have been held in the new facility for two weeks. Teachers, staff and students are more than excited. Construction for the new elementary school in Pine Bluffs began in 2016, and is now a reality.
Today’s ribbon cutting marked a day of celebration. Principal Andrea Verosky spoke to the students about their dreams for the future, and how this school is a dream come true for so many. Students then released balloons which held their own dreams.
Board Chairman, Jeff Kirkbride spoke to the teachers saying this, “During the construction of the new school, you were the ones that kept it on the tracks and continued to to educate the students every day.”
Recognized during the celebration were many from the school board, city council, including Mayor Curtis, along with many from the community that helped keep this project going. Ray Fertig, President of 5-R Construction, had this to say about the project:
“5R Construction has appreciated working with the construction team of Laramie County School District #2, the School Facilities Department, and Tobin & Associates architects on the successful completion of the Pine Bluffs Elementary School. It turned out to be a great facility and we look forward to seeing it serve the needs of the students and staff for many years to come.” – Ray Fertig, President of Recco, Inc. dba Five-R Company.
Superintendent of Schools, Jillian Ballow, spoke directly to the students, proving that this school is full of “HORNETS.” She pointed out that the students all shared characteristics that are the same of a hornet: Persistence, ability to overcome obstacles, and courage.
Director of the State Construction Department (SCD), Delbert McOmie, read a proclamation from Governor Matt Mead. Proclamation read December 12th as the opening of the NEW PINE BLUFFS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL.
The ribbon was then cut by Sharon Sanchez, 6th grader and Student Body President.
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