Sheriff’s Department Offering Prescription Drug Take Back

(Cheyenne) The Laramie County Sheriffs Department will be at two locations on Saturday, April 29nd, 2017 from 10:00AM through 2:00PM to take back any unwanted, unused, prescription, or over the counter drugs. The Sheriffs Department will join other local law enforcement agencies in continuing this
successful program for county residents.
The two locations are Town and Country Pharmacy at 514 South Greeley Highway, and Laramie County Fire District #2 at 5800 North College.
The Laramie County Sheriffs Department has taken in over 1,500 pounds of unused and unwanted prescription drugs since the program inception. The purpose of these Drug Take Back Days is to allow citizens to safely dispose of unused or unwanted prescription drugs in an environmentally safe manner and keep those drugs out of the hands of unauthorized persons or juveniles.
Drugs that have been taken in have ranged from over the counter drugs to narcotic prescription pills and liquids. Once again, no illegal drugs, sharps, thermometers, oxygen containers, radioactive materials, pressurized containers, or chemotherapy drugs will be accepted.
For further information you can contact Lieutenant Kevin James at (307) 633-4773.