Stick ‘em Up | Annual Chamber Trap Shoot

Your Cheyenne Chamber hits the target on Military Advocacy by hosting our 5th Annual Trap Shoot presented by RE/MAX Capitol Properties. All funds raised are used in support of Military Advocacy, so don’t let this opportunity fly by!
Ready, Aim, Fire!
Don’t let this opportunity to support your troops fly by! Grab some friends and meet us at the Cheyenne Trap and Skeet Club at 12:00 pm on August 18!
- Teams will compete in two trap rounds, including one round of 25 targets from the 16-yard line and the next round of 25 targets from the 20-yard line. Prizes will be awarded.
- Event is BYOA (That’s Bring-Your-Own-Ammo!) sized at 7.5 or 8 shot. Ammo can be purchased at the Trap & Skeet Club for $11 a box (limited availability.) Regulations sizes are 12 or 20 gauge.
- Space is limited to 40 teams, and advance registration is required, so sign up today!
WY We Care
The military has been part of Cheyenne’s heritage since our founding, and it remains so today. We are committed to continuing this unique heritage as we pursue the implementation of the Sentinel Missile upgrades and work for procurement of upgraded Cheyenne-based Air National Guard planes.
Your Cheyenne Chamber represents you, your military, and your community by addressing the challenges facing our region. We work every day with nation-wide partners to hold our legislators accountable when representing the interests and needs of Cheyenne and Wyoming.
Learn more about our work at, or call 307-638-3388 to find out how you can support our mission and protect Wyoming’s future.