The Childcare Shortage is no Walk in the Park

The shortage of quality, accessible, and affordable childcare services has been a huge problem in the American workforce for quite some time, and the pandemic only exacerbated this issue. The childcare industry plays a vital role in all aspects of the workforce, and having access to some form childcare is essential for any working parent. Unfortunately, with the lack of options that many in the United States face, a toll is being taken on business, the economy, childcare workers, and children themselves.
While the childcare barrier prevents both men and women from participating in the workforce, women are disproportionately affected. The vast majority of women who aren’t participating in the workforce cite taking care of family as the reason they don’t work. In 1989, 86% of women shared this to be the leading reason for staying home, and this number has only dropped to 79% as of 2021. Addressing the childcare barrier will also help to increase the number of women able to return to work.
WY We Care: Cheyenne and the state of Wyoming as a whole have experienced the harm that comes with lack of quality, affordable and accessible childcare. In Wyoming, an average of 10-14% of household income is used to pay for childcare. Your Cheyenne Chamber has been working to create solutions to this issue for the betterment of the business community, and we will continue to work towards feasible solutions.