This is Me Podcast Featuring Guest, Danny-J

Danny-J is an entrepreneur and professional speaker.
She is a sought-after branding, money, mindset coach, and has been featured on HuffPost Live. She was a suicidal, pregnant teen who became an acrobat after college. During her acrobat career, she found herself paralyzed and was told that she would never walk again. Not only did she beat those odds, she even went on to become a fitness competitor and cover model. With her online fitness brand, she won Ali Brown’s 2012 Entrepreneur of The Year Award. Through her #FindTheMoneyProject program and her work with private coaching clients, she teaches that challenges can be the ultimate catalyst for healing and creating personal definitions of freedom and abundance. Danny-J hosts The Best Life Podcast. She has been to 36 countries, traveled for a year in a motor home, and currently lives out of a suitcase living her best life.
We do get to choose our attitude and we don’t get to choose what happens to us all the time. -Danny-J

Brandi Nash, Danny-J and Amie Siemens
Based in Cheyenne, Wyoming, This is Me Podcast is hosted by Brandi Lea Nash and Amie Lou Siemens. Inspired by the thought that women can change their lives and change the lives of others by sharing their stories instead of hiding them is the foundation of their mission. They believe that you can turn your struggle into your story. Each episode is a fun and heart-warming combination of life in the Rocky Mountain Region and features a story by a phenomenal woman.
The show is available on SoundCloud, iTunes, and Spotify.