Wyoming Legislative Session is (almost) a Wrap!

The Wyoming legislature is coming to an end, and with it some major accomplishments for business across the state of Wyoming. SF 77 was an important centerpiece for your chamber, as it defends critical infrastructure from foreign adversaries that wish to do us harm. It’s no joke that China is constantly pressing around our Air Force and Guard missions, and this bill offers the first step to dealing with this problem.
We also weighed in on HB125, a bill that supports online vehicle registration work. This bill saves time for all our citizens, but when business owners save time it’s a double bonus because as they say, time is money.
SF 15 was another military bill that passed that creates opportunities for the military and community to partner to cooperate to better serve all of our people. There are other issues that passed that were supported by business, like SF 52 related to stable tokens, and several others. There were also some bills that we were able to help defeat for business, like HB203, and a number of related tax bills that would have done harm to business. Please take a look at our bill tracker linked to this article for a full re-cap of business issues that we supported, opposed, or monitored (bills that we weighed in on in some way but did not support or oppose).