Credit cards: friend or foe?

Sure, credit cards give us the power to buy whatever we want, even if we can’t afford it. But there’s a dark side to these plastic wonders. Watch out for fraud, because credit card users are more likely to fall victim to those sneaky scammers. And good luck keeping up with the constantly changing rules of the credit card game.
The Credit Card Competition Act of 2023 is here to add fuel to the fire. If this thing goes through, your credit card transactions will have to go through not one, but two networks. Only one of those networks can be Visa or Mastercard. Talk about making things complicated! Fraudsters will have a field day with these changes, and your precious transactions won’t be so secure anymore.
As if that weren’t enough, small businesses are in for a world of hurt if this act becomes a reality. More fraud means more declined transactions, which means less cash in the pockets of hardworking merchants. And don’t even get us started on how this will crush small businesses trying to compete with the retail giant, Amazon. As for you the consumer, kiss those sweet rewards goodbye! Say hello to less spending and higher fees, all thanks to this act.
The bottom line: If the Credit Card Competition Act of 2023 gets the green light, get ready for a whirlwind of headaches. Fraud will skyrocket, rewards will dwindle, and small businesses could go belly up. Brace yourselves, credit card users and small business owners, because this legislation could unleash a storm of negative consequences.
Go deeper: Learn more about the potential consequences of this act from Forbes.