Everybody Needs an Easter “Bonnie”

Honestly, the whole Easter Bonnet thing escaped me. Sure, I heard the song by Bing Crosby as he crooned about the Easter Parade and wearing your Easter Bonnet but I never really caught the drift.
The history of the aforementioned headwear traces its history to European culture that used it to celebrate breaking free from the icy fingers of winter and embracing the rebirth of life with the coming of Spring. Later, the covering was worn as a Christian tradition surrounding Easter. It kept harmony between the tradition of renewal at the break of Spring and the spiritual renewal and redemption that those of us in the Christian faith celebrate at Easter. While the bonnet thing had some traction it did not come full circle into pop culture until Irving Berlin firmly cemented into American tradition by his view of the NYC event that happened down fifth avenue. Coming out of the 30s a new Easter hat or even a refurbished one was a simple luxury that gave Americans hope in the good that was to come.
The point here is not to convince you to run out and buy an Easter bonnet before the weekend, although if you want to spend a little money with one of our local businesses to “adorn thy crown” on Easter I know it would be appreciated both by the business and certainly by your Chamber. This is really an article about a “Bonnie” and not a Bonnet.
Why a Bonnie? Well, the Bonnie I am referring to certainly had many Easter bonnets and hats of all kinds. She was a wonderful human that we sadly lost this year and the world, and more particularly Laramie County, is a little bit less colorful because of her departure from us. You see, Easter bonnets, Easter eggs, Easter dresses, Easter ties, and even the glory of Spring pales in comparison to the color and vibrancy that people bring to the world. Many of you have met Bonnie over the years. She is the late wife of legislator Pete Anderson from Pine Bluffs, and if you met her you know exactly what I am talking about.
We are blessed in Cheyenne, Laramie County, and our region to have people like Bonnie. Kind, considerate, smiling, caring, and colorful. The kind of person that makes you feel better by wearing an “Easter bonnet” that makes you smile. The truth is, our community is made great by people. People of all circumstances and situations that make this little corner of the earth special. This Easter, everyone who knew her will have a smile in their heart thinking about Bonnie. I hope that each of you think about your “Bonnie” this Easter season and remember all the wonderful opportunities to continue to advance our awesome community.
I wish for everyone who celebrates Easter to have a blessed season, and those of you who don’t to have a wonderful Spring. No matter what tradition you follow, there is no doubt that everyone can take a minute and smile about the “Easter Bonnie” that has had an impact on their life.
Onward and Upward,
Dale G. Steenbergen