Happy Valentine’s Day: Off with his head!
Posted On February 14, 2022
Thoughts from Dale Steenbergen –
There are many of our spouses that occasionally consider “off with his head’ as a solution to the less than commonsensical stunts we pull as humans. This article has nothing to do with marital bliss or the lack thereof. Rather, it’s on the irony of basing a holiday of love on a priest or priests that were beheaded.
There are a couple possible histories for Valentine’s day. The Catholic church actually has at least 3 different saints named Valentine or a variation thereof. The great irony here is that all of these dudes were martyred. (Some of you feel like a martyr every day just putting up with your significant other.
) We based our holiday of love on someone whose head was chopped off! Regardless of its origins, Valentine’s Day is the day we celebrate love. Perhaps the lesson is that it’s not where we start out, it’s where we end up that’s important.

Cheyenne had a rough and tumble beginning, but we really became an important economic center as the aristocratic ranchers settled the state. Since then, we have had our ups and downs, but we ultimately have become a pretty awesome place that we are proud of. Far too often, we complain about our community without pausing to appreciate the wonderful opportunities it affords us. We are a pretty cool place, Cheyenne. We have a wonderful future ahead if we put a little work into it.
Happy Valentine’s Day, Cheyenne! Let’s focus on the hearts and candy and leave the proverbial beheadings to the annals of history.
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