It’s a Done Deal: Debt Ceiling Crisis Averted

The U.S. narrowly avoided defaulting on its debt, which would have been catastrophic for the economy. Since January, your Cheyenne Chamber has worked alongside nation-wide partners to push the White House and Congress to solve this looming problem. Recognizing that divided government requires a bipartisan approach, we urged our elected officials to come to the table and do the hard work of finding consensus.
Crisis Averted
Cheyenne’s economy can rest easy knowing that we are free from potential catastrophe for the time being. We no longer face imminent skyrocketing interest rates, faltering power of the dollar, or massive recession in every segment. National Security projects, such as the Sentinel Missile Program, will continue to be securely funded under the new debt limit deal.
“By agreeing to lift our nation’s debt ceiling and use this opportunity to control spending, the President and Congress averted an economic catastrophe while also laying the groundwork for more responsible fiscal policy moving forward. We commend their hard work and commitment to setting aside partisan differences to broker an agreement for the good of the country,” said Suzanne P. Clark, U.S. Chamber of Commerce President and CEO.
How To Change The World
Your Cheyenne Chamber is on the frontlines of this issue, working with nation-wide partners and meeting with your representatives to get the job done. Learn more about our work at, or call 307-638-3388 to find out how you can support our mission and protect Wyoming’s future.
Story by J. Elizabeth Bennett
Elizabeth Bennett serves the Greater Cheyenne Chamber of Commerce as the Director of Marketing and Communications. She is passionate about working with the diverse communities in Cheyenne and creating accessible communications material that engages our chamber members.