Masters of the Air Celebrate Military May!

First, if you haven’t read the book or at least seen the Apple series you have missed out. It is a compelling story of WWII Aviators and their sacrifices to bomb the axis powers and specifically Germany. The story follows the 100th Bombardment group, which was four squadrons of B-17s deployed to England to bomb Nazi Germany. You might think the survival rate of a bunch of hot shot pilots was much better than infantry men or Navy personnel, but you would be wrong. Factually, every time a B-17 left the runway from England the survival rate for that mission was 50%. The average age of these airmen? 25. Imagine waking up day after day and willingly submitting your life to these stark odds. So……certainly it’s a compelling story about great Americans in history but nations are not sustained on history they are sustained by ongoing generations of heroes that continue to wear the cloth of America and stand vigilant to repel our enemies. We are blessed to have these heroes right here in Cheyenne. 90th, 20th 153rd, just numbers but to us these and a few others represent men and women in the Airforce, Air Guard, Army Guard and Navy. While we should always revere the men and women in uniform, we celebrate their service a little more intensely every May.
We need your help to really make this “Military May” special. Tell the folks in uniform you see thank you, come to the chamber lunch to celebrate the Cheyenne trophy winners, and help with or donate to the Military May BBQ. Most importantly, continually keep in your heart and mind that freedom has been anything but free and without these remarkable men and women America would be no more. So, celebrate and be appreciative this month as Cheyenne is blessed to be home to the next generation of “Masters of the Air” and their willingness to serve is America’s future.
Stay eternally grateful Cheyenne!