Small Businesses Don’t Let Inflation Deflate their Spirits

We’ve all experienced the sharp teeth of inflation, but small businesses aren’t letting that burst their bubble. This isn’t an easy time for them to operate for several reasons. According to a study done by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the four horsemen for small businesses today are:
- Inflation costs
- Supply Chain Issues
- Low Revenue
- Rising Interest Rates
Yes, but: These may sound daunting, but small businesses around the country are still feeling good! In the next year:
- 71% of small businesses anticipate increased revenue
- 47 % expect to hire more staff
- 42% plan on increasing investments
Go deeper: To read more about why businesses across the country are feeling optimistic despite these hurdles, check out this article by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Put on your sunglasses, Cheyenne, because our future is looking bright!