State Math Standards Under Review, Public Input Needed

WYOMING – The Wyoming Department of Education (WDE) and State Board of Education are reviewing Wyoming’s current math standards and inviting public feedback.
Input will be taken through May online or at one of several regional meetings:
- May 2: Powell High School Library, 1151 E. 7th Street, Powell, WY
- May 3: Natrona #1 Central Services Facility, Jefferson East Room, 970 N. Glenn Road, Casper, WY
- May 4: Rock Springs High School, Board Room, 3550 Foothill Blvd, Rock Springs, WY
- May 9: Laramie #1 Administrative Building, Room #130, 2811 House Ave, Cheyenne, WY
All meetings will run from 6 to 8 pm, starting with a 30-minute presentation on the standards review process, the review timeline, and answering questions before a 90-minute time slot dedicated to public comment. The public may come and go throughout or feel free to stay to hear the comments of others.
WDE personnel will present the input to the members of the Math Standards Review Committee before they meet this summer. The committee will review the 2012 Mathematics Standards and make a recommendation to the State Board of Education.
Those interested in serving on this committee should complete the Call for Participants Survey. The survey closes at 11:59 p.m. on April 11, 2017.
Standards are reviewed at least once every nine years.