State Of Wyoming Approves $12.6 Million In ARPA Funding For Library Construction

Five Wyoming libraries have been approved for $12.6 million in American Rescue Plan Act funding from the Wyoming Library Multi-Purpose Community Facility Program (WLMCF). This Wyoming State Library federal subgrant program is funded by the Coronavirus Capital Projects Fund (CPF) through the U.S. Department of the Treasury (Assistance Listing Number 21.029; Federal Award Identification Number CPFFN0188).
“Our libraries, like many organizations, were greatly affected by the pandemic,” said Abby Beaver, Wyoming State Librarian. “We’re grateful for the ARPA funding that will help local libraries better provide the resources and services that people in their communities need.”
The largest amount approved was $8,497,458 to Park County Library for construction of a new branch library building in Powell. The total project cost is $13 million, with the balance of funding coming from Park County and other sources.
Albany County Public Library was approved for $1,030,136 for meeting and conference room renovations as well as an expansion that will create a children’s activity center at the main library in Laramie. Sweetwater County Library System was approved for $1,475,646 to renovate large meeting rooms at three different library locations in Green River and Rock Springs. Uinta County Library was approved for $647,171 for health and safety improvements at the main library in Evanston. Washakie County Library has been approved for $949,589 for an expansion to the library in Worland.
The WLMCF is a competitive subgrant program that made $12.6 million in funding available for library construction and renovation projects that support work, education and health monitoring. Eligible projects address community needs that were created, exacerbated or made apparent by the Covid-19 public health emergency.
“We’re grateful that the Governor’s Office worked with us and was supportive when the State Library submitted a proposal to use ARPA money for library construction,” said Beaver. “We’ve also been fortunate to have help setting up and running this program from WYDOT and the State Budget Department. Their expertise has been invaluable. It’s a great example of state agencies working together to benefit Wyoming residents.”
Questions about the WLMCF may be directed to Abby Beaver, Wyoming State Librarian, at or (307) 777-5913.
The Wyoming State Library was first established in 1871 as the Wyoming Territorial Library. By statute, it is the official repository of state government documents and is responsible for the extension and development of library services statewide. The WSL manages the statewide WYLDcat library catalog, the GoWYLD research databases and electronic resources and the Digital Collection Suite of Wyoming historical documents and information. Learn more about the WSL at