Wrapping Up Chamber Endorsements

While there are lots of factors to take into consideration when vetting political candidates, the biggest concern from a chamber perspective is how a candidate will affect local business and the local economy. With that in mind, your Cheyenne Chamber has put willing candidates running for local offices through an endorsement process to determine which candidates will vote in favor of pro-business and growth policies that align with the chamber mission. No other factors were taken into consideration with this process.
The third group of candidates to receive an endorsement from the Greater Cheyenne Chamber of Commerce are the following individuals:
Matt Malcolm (HD 61)
Sara Burlingame (HD 11)
Patrick Collins (Mayor)
John Romero (HD 44)
Lynn Storey Huylar (City Council)
Kim Withers (SD 06)
Mark Moody (City Council)
Ty Zwonitzer (County Commission)
Dan Zwonitzer (HD 43)
Rob Geringer (HD 42)
Bob Nicholas (HD 07)
Jess Ketcham (County Commissioner)
In case you missed them, the first and second rounds of endorsements can be found online.